13 Jan MLS Compliance MLS Compliance Monday, January 13, 2025 (1:00 PM to 2:30 PM) PRO/CPRO/GTR - Tampa, Tampa, Florida In-Person, MLS Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructorsCancellation Policy A key purpose of the MLS is to provide real estate brokerages with a mechanism to compensate each other for bringing buyers to each other’s listings. For this to work, we must share accurate data and enter listings in a way that maintains the cooperative nature of the MLS. This required class for new subscribers reviews the MLS comprehensive Rules & Regulations to ensure all users have access to the best data possible! PRO/CPRO/GTR - Tampa PRO/CPRO/GTR - Tampa2918 W. Kennedy Blvd.Tampa, FL 33609 Map & Directions Jennifer Welling A $10 fee will be assessed for class cancellations not received at least 24 hours before the start of class time. Cancellations must be completed through the Member Portal or by emailing education@tamparealtors.org.