ACE Co-Brokerage

14 Jan

ACE Co-Brokerage - 3CE

ACE Co-Brokerage - 3CE

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (1:00 PM to 4:00 PM)

Tampa - Computer Learning Lab, Tampa, Florida 3 hours CE Credit, CE, In-Person, Sponsorship Opportunity

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The need for buyer agent compensation hasn’t gone anywhere but the way we go about presenting it to the customer has changed. In this class agents will learn how to understand anti-trust, how to make the case for their buyer to pay them, and how to get sellers to understand the importance of offering it. Agents will also need to know how to handle the inevitable objections that will arise as well as how to handle compensation with the agent on the other side of the deal. This class is all things compensation related in one place.

Tampa - Computer Learning Lab
Tampa - Computer Learning Lab
2918 W. Kennedy Blvd
Tampa, FL 33609

Map & Directions

Josh Cadillac