ACE BBA and Compensation Forms

14 Jan

ACE BBA and Compensation Forms - 3CE

ACE BBA and Compensation Forms - 3CE

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)

Tampa - Computer Learning Lab, Tampa, Florida 3 hours CE Credit, ACE, CE, In-Person, Sponsorship Opportunity

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In a world where agents now do not have the MLS to rely on to secure the offer of compensation from the seller the need to secure, source, and negotiation the compensation has become a very critical issue. The deluge of new forms that have come out to support the new way transactions are being done can be overwhelming and confusing. In this class we will look at all of these new forms and discuss the need for them, how and when to use them and what the best practices are to maximize you clients best interest, and make sure you are paid for the work you’ve done.

Tampa - Computer Learning Lab
Tampa - Computer Learning Lab
2918 W. Kennedy Blvd
Tampa, FL 33609

Map & Directions

Josh Cadillac